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Rice caseworm [Parapoynx stagnalis]

Flora & Fauna

The larvae of the rice caseworm are around 15 mm long according to TNAU Agritech Portal. The pupa is cream in colour and measures around 5.5 mm in length. The mature pupa is silvery white. The adult “Moth is small, delicate white with pale brown wavy markings. The adult moth is about 5 mm long. It is bright white with light brown and black spots.” The larvae, according to Wikipedia, consume the leaf blade until only the midrib is visible. According to Wikipedia, “Eggs of rice caseworm can be controlled by using snails. Larvae can be controlled by using many natural predators like water beetles.” Apart from this, spiders, insect eating birds and dragonflies feed on the rice caseworm.

Nature Collection
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Mymoon Moghul was born and brought up in the IIT Madras campus. She did her schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT Madras. Mymoon Moghul graduated from Quaid-e-Millat Govt. College for Women, Chennai with a degree in zoology. Following this, she completed her post-graduation in Library and Information Science and Psychology. In 2001, Mymoon attained a doctorate in the field of scientometrics. She has been working as a library professional since 1986. Since 1993, she has been working at the CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai. She is a passionate wildlife photographer.