The Institute received the IBM 370/155 system - the largest computing system in Southeast Asia (at the time) as a gift from West Germany in 1973. The system was installed as a regional computer facility for the whole of India and not just IIT Madras.
Thousands of students learnt computer programming using the IBM 370 at IIT Madras. Students were able to do their project work using the system, also using it to do computing for the pleasure of it. ‘Computer time’ was allocated in order to prevent crowding at the Computer Centre.
Seen in the photograph, Dr. Malcolm Adiseshiah (Vice Chancellor of Madras University, front row, in white shirt) and Mr. A. L. Taylor (Regional General Manager, IBM, India, third from right, first row). The audience in the front row consisted of invitees, and it is very likely that the two persons in the front row (from right) are from the German Embassy or Consulate and the Central Ministry in Delhi.
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