A lighter moment at the inauguration of the Computer Centre, 1973
Institute Events , Administrators , Visiting VIPs
The Computer Centre at IIT Madras was inaugurated with the installation of the newly acquired IBM 370 in 1973. The IBM 370 was a powerful computer which was brought to IIT Madras with the help of West Germany. It was installed in a record time of 18 days.
The chief guest at the inauguration was Dr. Erhard Eppler who was the Minister for Economic Co-operation for the Federal Republic of Germany. Mr. C. Subramaniam (Union Minister for Industrial Development and Science and Technology) inaugurated the Computer Centre.
Seen in the photograph, from left, Prof. H. N. Mahabala (Head, Computer Centre), Prof. A. Ramachandran (Secretary to the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, face partially covered), Prof. K. A. V. Pandalai (Director, fourth from left), Dr. Erhard Eppler (Minister for Economic Co-operation, Federal Republic of Germany, fifth from left), Mr. A. L. Taylor (Regional General Manager, IBM, India, sixth from left), Mr. C. Subramaniam (Union Minister for Industrial Development and Science and Technology, seventh from left) and Prof. S. Sampath (Deputy Director, extreme right).
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