Prof. B. Sengupto explaining the IIT Madras plan to the guests using the Institute map during the visit of H. E. Theodor Heuss to IIT Madras, 1960
Visiting VIPs , Administrators
Professor Theodor Heuss visited the Institute campus in November 1960. At the time, the IIT Madras campus was not being used since the infrastructure was in the process of being set up. Buildings in Alagappa College of Technology and Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) were being used instead.
Seated, facing camera (from left) Mr. Gerhard Fischer (closest to the map), Mr. R. Natarajan (Registrar, seated in the back row closest to the door), Dr. Wolfgang Hahn (Mathematics Department, seated fourth from left in the same row as Mr. Natarajan) and H. E. Theodor Heuss (former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, seated in the centre next to the person making a hand gesture). Prof. B. Sengupto (Director of IIT Madras) is seen standing to the extreme left.
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