Mr. M. Bhaktavatsalam presents a prize to Prof. C. Ramasastry during the Sixth Institute Day, 1965
Faculty , Institute Events , Visiting VIPs
Institute Days in the 1960s were held to award prizes to students and staff who contributed to the Institute in various fields, including extra-curricular and academic fields.
Seen in the photograph Prof. B. V. Ramanamurthy (Physics Department, extreme left), Prof. C. Ramasastry (Physics Department, third from left), Mr. Srinivasan (Physical Training Instructor, fourth from left) and Mr. M. Bhaktavatsalam (Chief Minister of Madras State and chief guest, extreme right).
An identical photograph can be found in the Gourishankar Collection in Album 0268 under the ID: 001/0268/IMG_0146
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