Grasshopper (Sub-famiy Orthacridinae, Family Pyrgomorphidae)
Flora & Fauna
Pyrgomorphidae is a family of grasshoppers in the order Orthoptera; it is the only family in the superfamily Pyrgomorphoidea, with a pan-tropical distribution. Their name is probably derived from pyrgos meaning "tower": a reference to the form (morph) of the head in this type of grasshopper. They may sometimes be known as "gaudy grasshoppers", due to the striking, often aposematic colouration. However many others are camouflaged or cryptic. Pyrgomorphs live on bushes, herbage, grasses, and sedges and on soil and sand. They perform impressive displays when annoyed or threatened. Several species eject irritant fluids or a foamy froth when irritated. Not only are some of these substances toxic to mammals, birds, and reptiles, they are poisonous to humans.
Identification by Mr. L. Shyamal.
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