Sir C. V. Raman inspects the guard of honour along with 2/Lt. G. V. N. Rayudu
Institute Events , Convocations , Student Activities
Seen in the image inspecting the parade from the left is 2/Lt. G. V. N. Rayudu (NCC commander, Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Sir C. V. Raman (Indian physicist, Nobel laureate).
The guard of honour was a convocation tradition at IITM. After being received by the Institute’s Director and Registrar, the chief guest would be presented a guard of honour by the N.C.C. (National Cadet Corps) cadets. The chief guest would inspect the guard along with the N. C. C. prof. in charge. A few N.C.C. events that had taken place over the prior months were the N.C.C. Day parade (14th December, 1965), EME Camp at Bangalore and a tank attack demonstration with air support that took place on the Institute grounds.
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