6th Convocation Bhagavantham Chief Guest 02-08-1969

Dr. A. Ramachandran confers a degree to a graduate
Institute Events

Dr. A. Ramachandran confers a degree to a graduate
Institute Events

Dr. A. Ramachandran (Director) confers a Ph. D. to a student

The dignitaries stand for the invocation before the commencement of the convocation ceremony

Dr. A. Ramachandran confers a degree to a graduate
Institute Events

Dr. S. Bhagavantam is received by Prof. A. Ramachandran (Director) and Mr. C. V. Sethunathan (Registrar)

Mr. H. V. R. Iengar (Chairman, Board of Governors) hands out awards at the sixth convocation ceremony

The dignitaries pose for a photo in the academic robes

A student walks onto the dais to receive his degree

A student walks onto the dais to receive his degree
Institute Events