The chief guest of the seventh convocation, Dr. V. V. Giri arrives at the Institute
Administrators , Institute Events
Seen in the image from the left: Dr. V. V. Giri (President of India), Dr. Y. Nayudamma (Director, CLRI), Prof. A. Ramachandran (Director, IITM) and an individual who is yet to be identified. The two men in uniform behind the President are possibly his bodyguards.
The seventh convocation of IITM was held on a Saturday evening at 5:00 pm, the 29th of August, 1970. Dr. Y. Nayudamma, representing the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Institute (Mr. H. V. R. Iengar), presided over the ceremony. The chief guest for the event was Dr. V. V. Giri. A German delegate, Mr. Gunter Diehl (Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in India) also attended the event.
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