Distinguished guests having refreshments during the inauguration of the Computer Centre, 1973
Institute Events , Visiting VIPs , Inaugurations
It is likely that refreshments were served after the inauguration of the Computer Centre. The time of day (evening) can be determined by the dark sky which is visible in the background.
Seen in the image, Mr. A. L. Taylor (Regional General Manager, IBM, India, third from left), Prof. A. Ramachandran (Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) and Prof. H. N. Mahabala (Head of Computer Centre, extreme right) with other distinguished guests (yet to be identified).
Prof. Ramachandran was the second Director of IIT Madras after Prof. B. Sengupto. He was Director from December 1967 to May 1973. In an article in The New Indian Express, Mr. Taylor notes that the IBM 370 computer system was installed in a record time of 18 days after its arrival in India. He noted that the system was a “symbol of international co-operation between the Federal Republic of Germany, IIT Madras and IBM.”
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