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Moksha performs at Saarang 2001

Cultural Events , Student Activities

This photograph was taken at IIT Madras’ Saarang cultural festival in 2001. Saarang 2001 was held from 23-28 January and this photo was taken on one of the last few days of the festival. Saarang, earlier known as Mardi Gras, is the cultural festival of IIT Madras that encompasses multiple individual and group competitions, and informal events. Apart from this, Saarang also includes classical and professional shows. 

This photograph shows the group Moksha performing a professional show during Saarang 2001. The name of the festival “Saarang 2001” is seen on the stage and “Moksha” is partially visible behind the group, announcing the performers’ name. According to the 2001 Annual Report, this was a “Western Music Show” by the artistes from Moksha. In the photograph, on the stage, several members of Moksha are seen including three guitarists, a vocalist, and a keyboard player at the right. Behind the artists, a drum kit is seen on a raised platform, with a guitar at the side.

There are also bottles of water on the stage for the musicians to use when needed. Four banners of Levi’s on the stage indicate it as a sponsor for the day’s event. The logo of IIT Madras is visible on the border (short curtain at the top which is the width of the stage, used to manage the intensity of light). 

Central Photographic Section Collection
Album Name:
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Album ID:
23-28 January 2001
Saarang 2001
Open Air Theatre (OAT)