Mr. A. Sivasailam lights the lamp to inaugurate the 20th convocation, 1983
Convocations , Faculty , Institute Events
The photograph was taken during the 20th convocation. The function was held at the newly constructed Student Activities Centre (SAC). Prior to this, convocations were held at the Open Air Theatre (OAT).
Seen in the photograph are Prof. Surjit Singh (Chemistry Department, extreme right), Dr. H. V. Hande (Minister of Health, in black shirt), Mrs. Manjit Kaur (daughter of Mr. Giani Zail Singh, extreme left), Prof. P. V. Indiresan (Director of IIT Madras, second from left), Mrs. Sheila Kaul (Union Minister of Education and Culture, lady with her back turned to camera) and Mr. A. Sivasailam (Chairman, Board of Governors of IIT Madras, lighting the kuthu vilakku – the lamp).
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