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Mr. Satish Ramadhyani, the recipient of the President of India Prize, shakes hands with the chief guest of the eighth convocation, Prof. M. G. K. Menon

Administrators , Faculty , Institute Events

Also seen seated on the dais behind Prof. M. G. K. Menon (Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay and Chairman, Electronics Commission, Govt. of India), from the right: Prof. E. G. Ramachandran (Metallurgical Engineering department), Prof. R. G. Narayanamurthy (Mechanical Engineering department), an individual who is yet to be identified, Mr. H. V. R. Iengar (Chairman, Board of Governors) and Prof. A. Ramachandran (Director, IITM). Also seen standing behind the chief guest is Mr. R. Rajagopalan (Deputy Registrar).

A total of 21 students were awarded prizes at the eighth convocation of the Institute that was held on 31st July, 1971. The President of India Prize (for the student of the B.Tech. degree course with the best academic record) was awarded to Mr. Satish Ramadhyani (Mechanical Engineering) and the Governor’s Prize (for all-round proficiency in the B.Tech. degree course) was awarded to Mr. S. Kannan (Mechanical Engineering). The other prizes awarded that year were Merit Prizes, the Siemens Prizes, the Philips India Prize, the Banco Foundation Prize and the Prof. B. Sengupto Prize. 

Gourishankar Collection
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31 July 1971
Open Air Theatre
C. Gourishankar (1926-2002). A geologist by qualification, Gourishankar started his career as a photographer after working for many years with the Geological Survey of India. In everything that he did, Gourishankar strove to achieve flawlessness and impeccable quality. Thus his photography too was characterised by this drive for perfection. Every photograph that Gourishankar took was meticulously planned and shot and printed with diligence and patience. Gourishankar carried out most of the official photography at IIT Madras in the 1960s.