One of the meetings that took place during the visit of Prof. Dr. P. Hilbig and Mr. H. Westphal, 1965
Administrators , Faculty , Institute Events
This photograph was found in the album which contains photographs taken during the visit of Dr. Hilbig and Mr. Westphal.
An article ‘Tu Berlin And IIT’ by DJN published in Campastimes notes that Dr. Hilbig and Mr. Westphal visited all the departments and met with the Director in order to get an idea about the Institute and the ways in which Technical University, Berlin could help IIT Madras under the Second Indo-German Agreement. They came to the conclusion that although the Technical University, Berlin would not be able to send senior professors to IIT Madras on a long-term basis, they would be able to send professors for short periods of time to conduct seminars and group discussions and to give lectures.
From left, Prof. S. Ramaseshan (Physics Department) and Mr. H. Westphal (Director, Academic Foreign Relations Office, Technical University, Berlin). Prof S. Ramaseshan joined IIT Madras in 1962 and was at the Institute until 1966 as Head of the Department of Physics.
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