A prize winner receives his award from the chief guest of the eighth convocation, Prof. M. G. K. Menon
Administrators , Institute Events , Students
Also seen in the image, seated behind Prof. M. G. K. Menon, F. R. S. (Director, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay and Chairman, Electronics Commission, Govt. of India) is Prof. A. Ramachandran (Director, IITM) on the left and Mr. H. V. R. Iengar (Chairman, Board of Governors) on the right.
A total of 21 students were awarded prizes at the eighth convocation of the Institute that was held on 31st July, 1971. The President of India Prize (for the student of the B.Tech. degree course with the best academic record) was awarded to Mr. Satish Ramadhyani (Mechanical Engineering) and the Governor’s Prize (for all-round proficiency in the B.Tech. degree course) was awarded to Mr. S. Kannan (Mechanical Engineering). The other prizes awarded that year were Merit Prizes, the Siemens Prizes, the Philips India Prize, the Banco Foundation Prize and the Prof. B. Sengupto Prize.
An identical photograph can be found in the Gourishankar Collection in Album 0236 under the ID: 001/0236/IMG_0727
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