A section of the audience at the Special Convocation, 1973
Institute Events , Convocations , Faculty
The Special Convocation was held at the Central Lecture Theatre (CLT) on 17 November to confer the honourary degree of Doctor of Science on Dr. Erhard Eppler (Minister for Economic Co-operation, Federal Republic of Germany). Dr. Eppler was also the chief guest to the Computer Centre inauguration which was held on the same day.
According to Prof. K. A. V. Pandalai’s speech that was delivered at the Computer Centre inauguration, the Special Convocation was held earlier in the afternoon prior to the inauguration. This speech has been documented by the Archive of IIT Madras.
Seen in the audience, first row, from left, Dr. Malcolm Adiseshiah (Vice Chancellor of Madras University, in white shirt).
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