This photograph was shot during one of the sessions of the Senate of IIT Madras, which was held on 24 March 1966. The Senate met 7 times in 1966 and discussed administrative procedures regarding the Institute and its Departments. The Senate members seen here are seated on the right side of the semicircular table that is visible in this photo.
From the left, they are: Dr. G. S. Laddha [partially visible (Director of A. C. College of Technology, Madras - external member of the Senate)], Prof. B. Sengupto (Chairman of the Senate; and Director, IIT Madras), Mr. C. V. Sethunathan (Secretary of the Senate; and Registrar, IIT Madras), Mr. K. Sampathkumaran (Assistant Registrar, Academic), Prof. S. Sampath (Deputy Director of the Senate since 12-10-1966; and the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering), Prof. R. K. Gupta (Professor, Department of Humanities), Dr. R. J. H. Bisanz (Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering), Dr. E. Hohmann (Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering), Dr. V. C. Venkatesh (Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering), Prof. F. W. Lohr (Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering), Dr. H. W. Meyer (Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering), Dr. W. Scheer (Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering), Mr. V. Nazir Ahmed (Librarian, IIT Madras), Dr. D. V. Reddy (Head of the Department of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics), and Dr. H. Heitland (Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering).
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