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- Campastimes
- November 30, -0001
Table of Contents
- News & Views by Surjit Randhava.
- Sir, by B. Amir Ahmed.
- Classified Divertisements
- Commemorative Stamps
- Ponniah Moses Vedamanikkam
- Jesuspend your Blabominable Twinterlocutions And Expedite Your Twixit, or Stop Yelling and Scram by P. Sudarsan.
- Impure Mathematics by Pootsimboos Unohoo.
- Rathindra 'N' Roy by Gope.
- Dr Klein by M.V.R
- Riverside Frolics by S. Parameswaran.
- Suggested Accelerates Course for the Production of 10,000,000 Bachelors of Technology by 1970 by Parameshwaran.
- Over a of Aye Aye Tea by Vijay Reddy.
- Minu Kalappa by R. Rajasekhar.
- Sudarsan by Bharat Kamdar.
- P.J. Session by R. Shankar.
- Dear Reader by Philip.
- Research And Development
- Classified Divertisements
- Epitaph
- Physics Lab Record by Venky. Kake.
- Thoroughly Modern Mandeep by Arvind Johari.
- More Mathematicians by S. Parameshwaran.
- Prof S. Sampath by MVR.
- The Talking Machine by C.M.
- Pop Science
- Goofy, R. by K. Aiyaswamy.
- The Five Stooges by Ram Sitaram
- Dandona by Goofy.
- The Diamond Machine
- Vijay Reddy by Sudarsan
- On Happiness by Moronowski
- Over a of Aye Aye Tea by Vijay Reddy
- Don't Fence Us In by D.J. Nirmal
- The Thing by R. Shankar.
- A Period of Adjustment by S. R. Nair.
- Just IItians by N.K.
- Obituary The Outdoor Club by Goofy, R.
- The two and more Faces of Dr Swaminathan by Rat.
- Hydraulics
- An Eye For A Boot
- 'Hi Dad' by Aajoo.
- Chanakya Balaram by Gope.
- M.S Chandramouli
- Letters to the Editor
- Electronics In India by Tee Square.
- The Fly in the Soup by Jai.
- The Still Mill by Ajan.
- Higgledy Piggledy by N.K.
- A Sweet Bunch of Kids by Aajoo.
- A Thesis on Indian Movies by R. Shankar.
- The Rebuff by Tee Square.
- Research & Development by Pootsimboos Unohoo.
- Embarrassment by C. Singh.
- An Editor's Job
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