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- Campastimes
- March 15, 1963
Table of Contents
- Words-Worth
- Saga of Three Eventful Days
- On Liberty
- Classified Divertisements
- Business Offers
- Free! Free!! Free!!! by Manager, Campastimes
- See Madras
- Matrimonial
- Personal by Grieving Parents
- Educational
- Professional
- I.I.T. Film Club by Kapoor, Hon. Secretary
- Acknowledgement
- Public Notice by Manager, Capmastimes
- Proposals for an Association
- Tenders by Estate Officer
- Public Notice by Security Officer
- Warning Notice by Editor, Campastimes
- Notice by Librarian
- Circular by Assistant Registrar
- They all Happened by S. Srikant
- Your Attention, Please by Editor, Campastimes
- Benefit Auction by Surjit Randhava
- Liberty by Shankar
- And Round and Round and Round by E. S. Bhagiradha Rao
- A Pick from Three by S. Bukht
- Iitanian caricatures by N. Sundaram
- I Care Not by N. Ramesh
- U and Me by S. R. M.
- Editorial
- Dear Readers by Your Publisher
- From here and there by Surjit Randhava
- Letters to the Editor by J.C.S.V.
- Undeserving class? by An Applicant
- Give us water please! by Thirsty
- A Sound Thrashing by An Iitanian
- Gobbledegook by S. Srikant
- Over a of Aye Aye Tea by V.S.
- The First Annual Survey Camp by Y. R. Nagaraja
- A Pick
- Sportfolio
- A Pick
- Epilogue
- Desire by V. Ranganathan
- THe Sannyasi and the Loin Cloth by Chlorophyll
- Suggested Accelerated Course for the Prodution of 10,000,000 Bachelors of Technology by 1970 by Tee Aar
- Annual Sports Day
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