3rd Institute Day 1962

The delegates at the Third Institute Day conversing over tea
Campus Buildings

Dr. P. Subbarayan presents a trophy to Mr. Sivaram
Campus Buildings

Dr. P. Subbarayan (Union Minister of Transport and Communications) addresses the audience at the Third Institute Day

Dr. P. Subbarayan shakes hands with a student

Dr. P. Subbarayan (Union Minister of Transport and Communications)[Right] is escorted by Dr. A. L. Mudaliar [Middle] and Prof. B. Sengupto [Left]

Prof. N. V. C. Swamy (Applied Mechanics) and Prof. Y. R. Nagaraja (Civil Engineering) perform a skit for the audience at the Third Institute Day
Campus Buildings

Dr. P. Subbarayan hands over a prize to a student

Dr. A. L. Mudaliar (Chairman, Board of Governors) is received by Mr. R. Natarajan (Registrar) and Mr. Y. S. Ramaswamy (Superintending Engineer)

Dr. P. Subbarayan (Union Minister of Transport and Communications), the chief guest at the Third Institute Day celebrations, is received by Prof. B. Sengupto (Director)

Mr. Surjit S. Randhava (Student Representative) addresses the audience at the Third Institute Day

Dr. P. Subbarayan gives away prize to Mr. T. S. Ananthu