Visit of honourable Minister Mr. V.R. Nadunjeliyan and opening ceremony of new Library building by Dr. A.L. Mudaliar

Prof. B. Sengupto and Minister V. R. Nedunchezhian discuss a large bell
Academic Facilities

Dr. A. L. Mudaliar receives the 'Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences' from Mr. V. R. Nedunchezhian

Prof. Alladi Ramakrishnan addresses the audience at the launch event of the 'Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences'

Dr. A. L. Mudaliar addresses the audience at the launch of the 'Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences'

Prof. B. Sengupto and Mr. V. R. Nedunchezhian discuss equipment
Academic Facilities

Dr. A. L. Mudaliar lights the lamp, marking the inauguration of the Central Library building

Prof. B. Sengupto addresses the audience at the launch of the 'Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences'